Clusters on


March 08
march 08

Keynote SpeakerDr. Abhay Jere

Vice Chairman
Speakers Experts

Keynote Speaker


Dr. Abhay Jere

Vice Chairman

Dr. Abhay Jere is the Chief Innovation Officer, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Before joining MHRD, Dr. Jere was Chief Scientist- Life Sciences and R&D Head for Persistent Systems Ltd. As Chief Innovation Officer, Dr. Jere is responsible for promoting all innovation related initiatives in higher education institutions. He is also the brain and driving force behind MHRD’s Smart India Hackathon initiative which is now recognized as the world's biggest open innovation model with participation from thousands of education institutions, lakhs of students and hundreds of industries.Dr. Jere is instrumental in conceptualizing the first of its kind Atal Innovation Ranking framework (ARIIA) for ranking all education institutions on innovation achievements. Through MHRD, Dr. Jere has now established Institution's Innovation Councils (IIC) across 1000 institutions to facilitate creation of local innovation ecosystems in these institutions.Under guidance of Dr. Jere, MHRD is conceptualizing Student’s Startup policy, which will now allow students to start their own start-ups while studying. Recently, he was also instrumental in conceiving a very unique MBA program in ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ announced by All India Council for Technical education (AICTE).Dr. Jere is committed to popularizing the need for innovation and entrepreneurship amongst Indians, hence he routinely writes columns in renowned English and vernacular newspapers. He has also conceptualized ‘India First Leadership Talk Series’, which is telecasted on Lok Sabha TV..


Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.


Paper Presentation

11.00-12.00 PM (Library Seminar Hall)

General Rules

1. Maximum Two students per team.
2. No Team Limitation.
3. Selected Papers should be presented on the stage.


Web designing

11.00-01:00 PM (Lab-18 F-Block)

General Rules

1.Two members per team
2.One team per departments.



12.00-01:00 PM (F-Block Class Room-204)

General Rules

1.Two members per team
2.One team per departments.



03.00-04.00PM (F-Block Class Room-203)

General Rules

1.Maximum five members per team
2.One team per college



03.00-04.00PM (F-Block Class Room-203)

General Rules

1.Two members per team.
2.One Team per department.
3.Two Teams per college.


Poster Designing

12.00-01.00PM (Seminar Hall)

General Rules

Single participants only.
One team per department.
Three teams per college.



  • Avinashi Rd, Behind Nava India, Udayampalayam,
    Tamil Nadu 641028
  • Hindusthan College of Arts & Science,
    Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam hall